Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mount: High S Mount With Arm Trap

I am mounted on B and they are defending properly with their elbows in. I control both wrists and as I exert downward pressure I move my body up to a high s mount trapping one of B's wrists with my legs I use my hands behind B's head to make the position tight. This isolates one arm and opens up 3 options.

1: If B's right arm is isolated, my left arm can come around the outside of the arm so that their wrist is trapped behind my armpit. I can straight armlock from this position.

2: If B turns their arm I can switch to omoplata

3: I use both my hands behind B's head and lock up a triangle with their arm in. As I fall I go for the straight armlock or shoulder lock if the elbow doesn't come across my hip.

Open Guard: The Box

The box is a position that you get into when someone is trying to pass your guard. I bring my shin across B's stomach and my other leg comes over their head so that my calf is resting on the back of their head.

The grips differ, but if my left shin is across the stomach, my left hand will usually grab the same side leg. My right hand can grip the cross sleeve or the same side sleeve.

The move we did was off B trying to smash pass around the guard. If they bring their left arm around my top leg and grab my lapel, my right hand grips the sleeve. I then bring my right leg around B's head so that my hamstrings come across B's arm. I force my leg downwards to break B's grip on my lapel. From this position I create space and place my right foot on B's hip and bring my shin across the inside of B's arm. I bring my right knee outward to off balance B as I left with my left hand, sweeping them over.

Guard: Brabo Variation

If my partner is in my closed guard, I use my left hand to open the same side lapel. I bring the lapel over B's back and pass it to my right hand. My right hand has a palm down grip and I use the grip to control B's posture. My main objective is to now get B's right arm across my body to finish the choke. This can be setup by using my left arm to hook B's right arm on my shoulder and go for a straight arm lock. When B swivels their arm to escape, I can push the arm across and finish the choke by pulling down on the lapel.

If I cannot generate enough force with my arm from my closed guard I can reach around B's back with my left arm and start going towards the back. Once I am in an almost inverted position, I post my forehead on the mat and push the arm.