Thursday, July 11, 2013

Side Control to Back Control

From the classic side control position with the arm over. Trap the arm between my head and arm. The arm should be trapped so that it is next to ear closest to bottoms head. From here I transition to North South and left the same side leg as the arm trapped. In one motion I shuck my shoulder to clear the arm and force the bottom person to be in a position where their arm is trapped and their back is faced towards me. If they get to their knees, transition to the back.

Guard Pass

Spider Guard Leg Lasso Pass:
It's important to stay active.
Try to have one hand free.

The arm that is lasso'd: The hand circles to the outside of the thigh. The free arm cross grips at the ankle and pulls the leg down to the ground and initiates a smash pass. One hand stays at the knee while the other comes up the back to grab the lapel behind the neck. The grip on the back lapel has to be tight to keep the person from hip escaping away.

When the hand cannot be circled to the outside of the thigh, force half guard and with the lasso'd hand grab as far up the bottom's lapel. This will keep them from extending out and creating space to do moves like omoplata. Sapao said from this position to just keep good pressure and wait for the opportunity to pass. Once the pass is complete, if the grip cannot be broken on the lasso'd arm, put the knee on the face or chest and posture up.

Sapao recommended to drill the duck under drill when the bottom person is playing foot on bicep. You can transition to a armbar right off the pass as well.

For the guard pass I use off defended omoplata/triangle. Head on the outside of the leg with my arm cross holding the same leg. Keep the elbow tight in the crotch to prevent armbars. Also, if possible grab my own lapel with the arm that is holding the leg. If not, the arm is an acceptable grip as well. If person posts against shoulder/head to prevent pass, stand up and pull the leg with the grip and stack the person on their head.

For the last pass the person may roll and try to get to their knees. When this happens spin around the head to the other side. This can be done with the last two passes if not all.*Lucas Leite* seat belt off torreando. *Same Concept

A concept Sapao told me about was the willingess to smash. For example if someone is playing open guard, instead of engaging straightforward, grab the ankles, pull them into you, and smash them over. You can hold them in a smashed position by pinching your knees on their hips.